“The Palestinian people continue to endure a brutal genocide” – BFAWU statement & motions stand with Palestine!


“Let the struggle of the Palestinian people serve as a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit against overwhelming odds.”

We publish below a recent statement from the BFAWU trade union on Palestine, and the text of three solidarity motions passed at their recent Conference – free Palestine!

BFAWU Statement on Palestine

The genocide war committed by the Israeli occupation against Gaza has now reached 230 consecutive days. The Palestinian people continue to endure a brutal genocide that has escalated into one of the most severe humanitarian crises in recent history. The unyielding assault has resulted in the loss of tens of thousands of lives, with countless more injured or displaced, their homes and communities reduced to rubble amidst relentless bombings.

The BFAWU commends the initiative of Karim Khan, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, who has formally requested the court’s judges to issue arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his Minister of War, Yoav Gallant. This marks a historic step toward achieving accountability for the high-ranking officials responsible for orchestrating widespread atrocities against the Palestinian people. This move by the ICC signals to world leaders that impunity for war crimes will not be tolerated.

The BFAWU urgently calls upon the international community to recognize the dire situation in Gaza as a famine zone. The ongoing siege and the strategic use of starvation by the Israeli occupation as a weapon of war have pushed Gaza to the brink of a humanitarian disaster. This situation must be addressed immediately to prevent further loss of life.

We reiterate our call for an immediate ceasefire and add to that call the need to ensure unrestricted delivery of humanitarian aid to the region immediately.

As BFAWU gathers in the coming days for our annual conference, we will send our solidarity to those in our industry in Palestine and the wider community and will pledge to amplify the voices of those fighting on the frontlines in Palestine and to mobilize international support for their cause.

Let the struggle of the Palestinian people serve as a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit against overwhelming odds.

Together, we will call for a future where justice prevails, and Palestine is free. Long live the struggle for freedom, justice, and dignity in Palestine and around the world!

The recent BFAWU Conference also passed the following motions on Palestine:

  • “That the BFAWU places its support and solidarity in the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel because of the apartheid regime it operates against the Palestinians.”
  • “The BFAWU is in total agreement and stands in solidarity with the South African government in its case against Israel in the International Court Justice.”
  • “This Conference calls for an immediate ceasefire, from all sides, in the Palestinian conflict. We condemn Israeli aggression and the forcing of Palestinians to leave their homeland. We demand that the building of Israeli settlements in West Bank stop, and existing ones be given back to the Palestinian people. The United Nations needs to call a meeting in which a new resolution is passed to ensure Palestinians are given back their land which has been taken by the Israeli government by force. We also demand that all Palestine refugees from neighbouring countries should be able to return to their rightful homeland. Justice should prevail for lasting peace in which both Muslims and Jews live side by side as they were living before for centuries.”

Featured image: demonstrators gathering by Hyde park with lots of Palestine flags on October 21st, 2023. Photo credit: Sam Browse, Labour Outlook.

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